Nourivit Plus 

        Our microorganisms strengthen plants and soil

        Nourivit Plus microorganisms (NPM) are a mixture of lactobacilli, yeast strains and phototropic bacteria.

        The individual strains of microorganisms have been isolated from their natural environment. They are cultivated from our own collection of strains. The cultivated microorganisms are combined according to the Nourivit Plus formula and then fermented.

        The fermentation of Nourivit Plus microorganisms is done in our proprietory specially designed bioreactors.


        Advantages of Nourivit Plus

        • Activation of the soil life

        • Accelerated conversion of organic substances and increased humus production

        • Shortening of the growing season

        • Enhances soil conditions for greater root mass

        • Higher yield through improved availability of nutrients

        • Improves nutrient and soil conditions for better harvest quality

        Nourivit Plus is used in leaf treatment and soil treatment. 

        Odoo image and text block

        Effects of Nourivit Plus

        For leaf treatment, Nourivit Plus is applied to the surface of the plants. In combination with Nourivit Calcium Carbonate, a natural environment is created that promotes the development of the plant and aids in the prevention of disease and pests. 

        For soil treatment, Nourivit Plus microorganisms are mechanically injected into the soil. They process organic substances and convert these into plant nutrients. This leads to rapid humus formation. 




        3 kg Nourivit per hectare and 3 L Nourivit Plus mixed with at least 100 litres of water

        Recommended application:    

        1 st  Application at the 2–4 leaf stage, 2 nd  and 3 rd  application at 14-day intervals


        Dosage:  50 L Nourivit Plus per hectare mixed with at least 100 litres of water
        Recommended application: 

        After harvest while working-in harvest residues  


        Dosage: 5 L Nourivit Plus (NPM) mixed with 15 L of water per 100 m2 barn area.
        Recommended application: Spray on floor, walls and ventilation shafts.

        Nourivit Plus is registered at the Austrian agency for health and food safety (AGES) as a plant aid. With this registration, Nourivit Plus is admitted in all Member States of the European Union (based on the Regulations (EC) no. 764/2008).

        Nourivit Plus is registered and listed at InfoXgen for usage in organic farming based on the Regulations (EC) no. 834/2007.